Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

Well, a change in the weather made Valentine's Day in South Carolina lovely.  My husband got to play golf and I got to do some organizing for my dessert party (after a wonderful dinner at The Studio on Hilton Head).  I love this place for a number of reasons - first they have a great selection of vegan and vegetarian items.  Secondly, and for my carnivore husband, they have a great selection of meat prepared (according to him) perfectly.

Because I try to be vegan at home and will eat seafood when dining out or when invited to a friends house for dinner, Ed gets a slab of meat and he has to prepare it.  And given that he is anything but a gourmet chef he usually throws it in a non stick scan pan on the stove and cooks it with a cover.  So, when given the option of having lamb chops with a port wine sauce or duck with some sort of sauce he jumps at it.

Back to my dessert party, though.  I served a povlava.  For those of you unfamiliar with this dish it is native to New Zealand and is a meringue that is crunchy on the outside and soft in the center.  Normally it is served with piles of fresh fruit and whipped cream - my addition to the dessert was to create a cointreau whipped cream and sprinkle the whole thing with grated dark chocolate.  I wish I had taken a picture but I didn't.

We popped a bottle of champagne and had cappuccino made with my wonderful Nespresso machine and frother.

As so, another Valentine's Day comes to a close.  Now I have to organize to leave for Jacksonville tomorrow for a workshop with Maggie Siner at Corse Gallery.  YAY - I bet this will jump start my painting!

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