Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A New Painting Method

I am primarily a plein air painter.  That being said the weather this winter has not been too cooperative.

So - when faced with a problem find a solution, right?  Right!  So, we found a 40" television - a Westinghouse (who'ld of thunk it) for $250.00 to use as a  3rd TV for our superbowl party and now, post superbowl, I have turned it into a large monitor for my Ipad photos. All I needed was an adapter for the Ipad and a HDMI cable and voila!  I can paint using that photo reference rather then heading outside into the bone chilling and damp cold.

Do I hear a collective groan and sense some eye-rolling here?  Anyone who follows my blog, has visited my website or knows me realizes that I am in South Carolina for the winter and the weather is nothing compared to Cleveland (or virtually any of the northern cities) this year.  But, none the less, when you can't get warm inside the house (our house in S.C. has no insulation and is heated via a heat pump) then it is very difficult to stand outside in the damp, windy and cold weather outside.

So, here is the first painting done with my new method.  The title is Goldenrod on Cape Cod and it is 6 x 6 inches.

It is available on http://www.dailypaintworks.com/Artists/barbara-benedict-jones-4356

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