Monday, December 2, 2013

Post-Thanksgiving Day Wrap Up

This was one of my favorite Thanksgivings!!! If you are reading this chances are you don't know me but have seen my art or been interested enough to read my blog for a multitude of reasons. But, I am going to take this opportunity to talk a little more about myself. 

As a native Chicagoan my husband, daughter and (this time) her boyfriend head to Chicago every other year for Thanksgiving.  We are delighted to be able to stay with my brother and Susan near the Magnificent Mile (Michigan Avenue) and usually head out to his daughters for the day.  This year there were 22 people there - a sort of yours, mine and ours plus some.  Which gets me to why this was one of my favorites.  

This is a picture of my family:

1.  I am always so thankful to be able to spend time with my family, something that living in Cleveland prevents.

2.  My nephew surprised us all by coming home from New Mexico where he is stationed in the Air Force.

3.  Another family member has been able to overcome some health issues and was able to join us - YAY!!!

4.  Staying with my brother and Susan is the ultimate experience in gastronomy and hospitality.

From Susan I have learned just how to make guests feel comfortable - lovely toiletries in the bathroom, his and her robes available for our use, bottles of water by the bed - no need is left unattended.  

From my brother Bob, I am treated to culinary delights.  This guy should have been a chef.  Susan reads through cooking magazines and dog ears the dishes she finds interesting and Bob prepares them.  Every time I dine there I come away with a huge feeling of inadequacy in the "feeding the family" department.  I have cooked for 40 years and only occasionally get into the "gourmet" mood.  My poor husband suffers from the "slab of broiled meat, veggie and potato" menu almost daily.  (I am a kinda vegan - pescatarian).  BUT ---- when we come home from my brothers I COOK!!!  I chop, peel, mash, season, research and prepare some amazing food.  He eats like a king.  Fortunately, this only lasts a week or two then I revert to my old self.  

The other luxury I am treated to at my brothers are IRONED SHEETS - yes, you read me right.  IRONED SHEETS.  I thought the last one to uphold this tradition (aside from my mother) was Jacqueline Kennedy.  My brother irons the sheets and I love it.  So much so, that when I get back to Cleveland I have, upon occasion, ironed the sheets.  Crazy!  This phase only lasts through one sheet ironing session, fortunately.  I do iron pillow cases and often the top third of the top sheet to give the illusion of ironed sheets, but, that is where I usually draw the line.

So, I only took one picture at my brothers (should have taken one of each meal but...) and it is of an array of brussel sprouts waiting to be prepared for roasting.

So, now we are back in Cleveland - I am starting to check through epicurious for a hearty vegetarian recipe for dinner tonight and trying to figure out if I have time to stop by Sur La Table to pick up some wonderful culinary accessories. 

Hope your Thanksgiving was great too!

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